Adrián Pierini

El mundo y el rol de la mujer, fotos para disfrutar y reflexionar.

Maud Wagner, the first well know female tattooist in the United States. [1907]
Maud Wagner, the first well know female tattooist in the United States. [1907]
Siempre lo dije y lo sostengo, el mundo le debe todo a la mujer, desde la existencia de sus habitantes hasta sus sentimientos más profundos. Mirar estas fotos lo llenan a uno de emoción y es inevitable que surjan dos pensamientos: El primero..., gracias por existir. El segundo..que injusta ha sido la humanidad con ellas.
A Muslim woman covers the yellow star of her Jewish neighbour with her veil to protect her from prosecution. Sarajevo, former Yugoslavia. [1941]
A Muslim woman covers the yellow star of her Jewish neighbour with her veil to protect her from prosecution. Sarajevo, former Yugoslavia. [1941]

Los invito, pues, a reflexionar al igual que yo lo hice, recorriendo estas imágenes. Ver más

Kathrine Switzer becomes the first woman to run the Boston Marathon, despite attempts by the marathon organizer to stop her. [1967]
Kathrine Switzer becomes the first woman to run the Boston Marathon, despite attempts by the marathon organizer to stop her. [1967]
Afghan women at a public library before the Taliban seized power. [c. 1950s]
Afghan women at a public library before the Taliban seized power. [c. 1950s]
A Swedish woman hitting a neo-Nazi protester with her handbag. The woman was reportedly a concentration camp survivor. [1985]
A Swedish woman hitting a neo-Nazi protester with her handbag. The woman was reportedly a concentration camp survivor. [1985]
Marina Ginesta, a 17-year-old communist militant, overlooking Barcelona during the Spanish Civil War. [1936]
Marina Ginesta, a 17-year-old communist militant, overlooking Barcelona during the Spanish Civil War. [1936]


Adrián Pierini